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jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Feeding in Domestic Vertebrates - V. Bels (Ingles)


Contributors vii
Preface ix
1 Introduction 1
V. Bels
2 Feeding Structures in Birds 14
S.W.S. Gussekloo
3 Feeding Behaviour and Mechanisms in Domestic Birds 33
V. Bels and S. Baussart
4 Ontogeny of Feeding in Mammals 50
R.Z. German, A.W. Crompton and A.J. Thexton
5 Teeth, Jaws and Muscles in Mammalian Mastication 61
T.E. Popowics and S.W. Herring
6 Feeding and Welfare in Domestic Animals: A Darwinistic Framework 84
P. Koene
7 Food Choice and Intake in Chickens 108
J.M. Forbes
8 Feed Restriction and Welfare in Domestic Birds 120
I.C. de Jong and B. Jones
9 Feeding Ostriches 136
T.S. Brand and R.M. Gous
10 Feeding Behaviour in Pigs 156
B.L. Nielsen, K. Thodberg, L. Dybkjær and E.-M. Vestergaard
11 Feeding Behaviour in Rabbits 179
T. Gidenne and F. Lebas
12 Mastication and Feeding in Horses 195
K.A. Houpt
13 Foraging in Domestic Herbivores: Linking the Internal and
External Milieux 210
F.D. Provenza and J.J. Villalba
14 Feeding and Mastication Behaviour in Ruminants 241
R. Baumont, M. Doreau, S. Ingrand and I. Veissier
15 Food in 3D: How Ruminant Livestock Interact with
Sown Sward Architecture at the Bite Scale 263
I.J. Gordon and M. Benvenutti
16 Physiology and Models of Feeding Behaviour and
Intake Regulation in Ruminants 278
W. Pittroff and P. Soca
17 Adjustment of Feeding Choices and Intake by a Ruminant
Foraging in Varied and Variable Environments:
New Insights from Continuous Bite Monitoring 302
C. Agreil, M. Meuret and H. Fritz
18 Feeding Free-range Poultry and Pigs 326
P.C. Glatz, Z.H. Miao and Y.J. Ru
19 Conclusion and Perspectives 349
J.M. Forbes
Index 359

Pass: agropy

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